Suzanne Hambleton – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Suzanne Hambleton and I create fine art photographic images. The genre that is displayed in the Auburn Old Town Gallery is tabletop still life photography. Most of the images are considered low key. I have been studying and creating this type of work for about five years.

Why do you do what you do?

I took my first photography class in high school and learned how to develop and print black and white images. I had found my passion. But it took years before I really studied and practiced fine art photography. There is a Zen to creating and styling a still life image. And I enjoying learning new skills that I can bring to my craft.

What themes do you pursue?

My goal is to manipulate several strobe lights to draw attention to specific parts of the scene. The scenes are flowers, fruit and flowers, with various props. I love color relationships. My favorite colors are warm colors; shades of yellow, orange, and reds and various shades of these. I seek to create color harmony in my work. I also edit my images by painting them in an editing program.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

Every time I visit an art gallery, I’m inspired by the old masters paintings of still life. I try and recreate this type of masterpiece in my work.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I’ve worked for the State of California in various science related jobs before working full time as a fine art photographer.

What are your hobbies?

I love to garden, and I am a Master Gardener and community gardener in Sacramento County. In addition I enjoy traveling and hiking.

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