Darlene Riel – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Darlene Riel and my medium is photography.    I’m known for travel photography, featuring images from around the world.

Why do you do what you do?

If I have to be completely honest, my passions in order are travel #1; and photography #2.

I love to explore new places and cultures.  And while I’m exploring, I happen to be a shutter bug!   What I suppose is different about me is that I do not intentionally go on “photo shoots”.

So I capture what is presented to me at the moment.   I know that it is cliché, but I like sharing my love of travel with others through my photographs.   It brings up conversation of a place, a moment, a memory.

What themes do you pursue?

I’m very much attracted to old structures of stone, aged woods and metals.  The weathered patinas of old doors and windows are an absolute addiction! 

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

My first visit to Europe was to Rome, Italy.  The artifacts, ruins and the history really made an impact on me to want more exposure to foreign countries and cultures.  Have you ever stayed in a country farm house with a stone fireplace so large that you can walk inside of it?  I get goosebumps thinking about those stays and the stories the house could probably tell!

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I’m a registered veterinary nurse or technician (RVT) with a veterinary specialty (VTS) in small animal internal medicine.  The majority of my career was with UC Davis’ School of Veterinary Medicine working as in internal medicine nurse.  I lectured nationally and internationally on the topics of endoscopy, enteral feeding devices, and medical diagnostics.   I’ve authored chapters for veterinary reference books and participated in published scientific research papers.  My last 10 years at UCD before retirement, I was the manager of a large clinical teaching center. 

What are your hobbies?

Travel, hiking, cooking and vegetable gardening.

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