MARCH Marches in with Beautiful Textures

Don’t miss the Auburn Old Town Gallery March feature wall of Beautiful Textures! You will be inspired by the rich dimensions and depth of color created by our member artists…And while you are there, stroll around the gallery and discover even more amazing textures and colors!

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Gia McNutt – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do? 

I am Gia and I’m an abstract artist, using acrylic, textures and metal in my work.

Why do you do what you do?

As I journey through life, I’ve been gravitating to the subliminal, what’s under the surface of what appears to be. In the past I painted realistically, which matched my view of the world, rather exacting. Now I have a less direct approach to life, enjoying nuances and subtlety. Everything is up to each person’s interpretation, which informs individual reality.

What themes do you pursue?

Throughout the many themes I pursue, nature, heart, transformation, symbology, spirituality, space and feelings (to name a few) textures and earthy tones are often foundational in my work.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

Just recently I visited the US Virgin Islands (the Caribbean). The turquoise/teal color of the water, rimming each island swimming in a sea of many other brilliant hues of blue, inspired me. I’m beginning a series to honor this beauty in nature.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

My biggest and hardest job: being a mom of two boys (becoming men). I also co-founded and ran a high-tech company for 21 years; global clients and 70 employees at its peak. I have extensive experience marketing, including websites, social media, email, and print. I have coordinated the largest longest-running Art Studio tour in our region several years. I was head art docent and ran the program at our elementary school for 4 years, and also the Scholastic book fair. I also ran the school library computer system (Follett) for four years.

What are your hobbies?

Most hobbies I take to a level where it might be more than a hobby LOL. (I guess I’m a bit compulsive/OCD). I love to cook; make extensive dinners most nights, sourdough bread a few times a week, fancy (and healthy) cakes for everyone’s birthdays. I love to read. I love to practice yoga. I love to sing and sing in a band which performs several times a year. I love to travel. I love to kayak and spend time with friends.

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Amy Conley – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do? 

My name is Amy Conley and I have been a Ceramic Artist for over 18 years creating all handmade wheel thrown and slab constructed functional art in the foothills of Nevada County.

Why do you do what you do?

I do what I do because it is who I am. I have always been an artist starting as a young child. Coming back to the arts and making a living at it has been the most rewarding endeavor of my adult life.

What themes do you pursue?

My themes are usually nature-inspired whether it being landscape, floral, birds etc. Mainly color is my theme.  It awakens my soul.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

I am constantly inspired by life but the one incident that struck me the hardest was when vacationing in Bodega Bay and enjoying the beautiful oceans shorebirds, Snowy Plovers to be exact, and learning they are becoming endangered along the pacific coast due to overdevelopment by man. I now create these sweet creatures and affix them to real driftwood.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

When I was 18, I went straight to college and instead of pursuing a career as an artist, I chose the more trusted role in the medical/dental field to ensure I could take care of myself. I spent almost 16 years as a licensed RDA, keeping my license for another 7 years for protection, while becoming a full time mother to two boys. When I did go back into the work force part-time, I did a few odd jobs: one as a sushi-maker for a local retail outlet; and the other was a patient coordinator at a Sleep Diagnostics Center.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are never ending. I enjoy my work/art, fishing, golfing, wine tasting and cooking. You name it and I’ve probably tried it. Recently I have tried my hand at growing mushrooms… will let you know how my wood inoculations turn out!

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Don Antram – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do? 

I’m Don Antram and I’m a Mixed Media Artist. I use texture to capture and reflect light. I use mediums such as molding and fiber pastes, glass bead and granular gels, mica, silver and gold leaf foils, shells, dichroic glass, semi pressure stones, beads glitter and acrylic metallic paints.

Why do you do what you do?

I feel art is important to everyone, it has a way of touching our hearts and minds. I like the way art triggers feelings, emotions and memories. It has the power to inspire, heal and motivate.

What themes do you pursue?

At this time I paint ocean themes such as mermaids, waves, octopus, otters, seals, jellyfish and seahorses. I also do abstracts.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

In 2010 I started taking art classes with abstract artist Sondra Hersh and then studied under her for two years. She changed my artistic life forever. She inspired me to really start painting from a deeper more heartfelt place.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

A paperboy, waiter and aerobics instructor and I still have a mural and faux finish business.

What are your hobbies?

Tennis and wine tasting.

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You will love it! “EXPRESSIONS OF LOVE” February feature wall at Old Town Gallery.

February is the month of hearts and love…and the artists at Auburn Old Town Gallery have created beautiful works for “EXPRESSIONS OF LOVE”…the theme for this month’s feature wall. Shop for the perfect Valentine gift!

PLUS! The Gallery is giving away a FREE painted ceramic heart with any purchase in February! (While supplies last). 

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Patty Pieropan Dong – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Patty Pieropan Dong, and although I do not sign my married name to my paintings as I began signing paintings previous to marriage. My paintings are figurative, that is, recognizable subjects: landscape, still life and a bit of portraiture. I enjoy a variety of media including oil, watercolor, acrylic, pastel, and block printing in addition to some assemblage sculpture.

Why do you do what you do?

Sketching and painting is a way to understand our world. It’s also a way to stay in the moment. It’s part of my identity. It’s my happy place.

What themes do you pursue?

I’m inspired by our beautiful foothill environment. I enjoy painting objects that have history and meaning. From time to time I get involved with a certain subject. For example I have a series of chair paintings, a series of kayak paintings, old toys, irons… I’m always on the lookout.  When I travel I am challenged to capture the chapter of the place.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

Parking in the lot overlooking Old Town Auburn I’m taken with the view… a great composition in any direction, any season. The light changes with the time of day… and it’s even good at night!

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I’ve taught art, especially painting for 30+years to children and adults.  I’ve also worked in libraries.

What are your hobbies?

Sewing, braiding rugs, gardening and recently playing the ukulele.

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Gini Crepps – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do?

Hello to all! I’m Gini Crepps, graphic designer and 2-D multi-media artist. The best way to describe what I do and love is the “art of color and texture”!

Why do you do what you do?

I’ve always had an emotional response to color and texture. I feel it, see it, and now paint it. I find it’s not the “what” of the painting, but the “how”…I think that is why multimedia, in all its varied forms, has become so much a part of my creative journey.

What themes do you pursue?

Subject matter and design are so subjective – it’s hard to have a “set” list…but I do love florals, landscapes, and impressionistic abstracts…anything full of color and texture!

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

I was actually at a golf clinic that was concentrated more about your mind-set than swing…but I remember being on the driving range and realizing that you didn’t have to be perfect in golf because you had a handicap, equalizing the field. I realized then, because of being a graphic designer and not “allowed” to make mistakes, that I carried that “being perfect” ideal into most everything…and that while in my heart I wanted to start painting (had not for over 25 years!) that the reason was I was scared of not being “perfect”.  Once I realized that, I came home and said for good or bad, I need to paint.  It’s scary putting yourself out there – but NO – You do not have to be “perfect” in art!

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I have been a graphic designer for more years than I care to admit! I have had many jobs designing logos, brochures, catalogs, magazine ads, point of purchase and public events marketing materials throughout the my career.

What are your hobbies?

Well of course – golf! (And no…I’m still not perfect!) I love to travel, read and garden.  I love being outside and near water.

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Kelly & Janis Quinn – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do?

We are Kelly & Janis Quinn running a business we call Other People’s Junk. The name is exactly what it implies – we have fun collecting metal objects that other people throw out and recreating them into a piece of art. You’ve heard the saying ‘one man’s junk is another man’s treasure’ – that’s us!

Why do you do what you do?

We take discarded or found metal objects and repurpose them into art. We won’t always know what we will use something for only that it’s a treasure we have to have. When building a piece of art we will excitedly remember something that will be just the right piece. Its cut, cleaned, placed, welded and with a grinder smoothed out to completion.

What themes do you pursue?

Our art is fun and whimsical. Some pieces are specifically designed as yard art, but we make a lot of things that can be placed in your home as well.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

Many years ago we went to a show in San Francisco and met a man that was a master creating metal art. We were so inspired!  Between Kelly’s interest in welding and Janis always being a crafter things came together.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

Kelly worked as a road foreman for 37 years, while Janis had a career in the banking industry.

What are your hobbies?

Camping, boating, traveling and being with our family which includes three grandchildren.

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Darlene Becker – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Darlene Becker. I combine precious metal with unique and unusual gemstones to create one-of-a-kind art jewelry.

Why do you do what you do?

I have always been a maker. When I was young, I made many things, from mud pies, to snow forts, to clothes for my paper dolls. When I got older, I sewed my own clothes. It wasn’t until I took a silversmithing class that I discovered an even greater sense of fulfillment. I took many classes from basic metal working to enameling to lapidary. With each class I learned new skills and gained much inspiration. Now I use those skills to play and experiment with metal and gemstones.

What themes do you pursue?

I don’t generally engage in themes unless I am participating in a show. My work is almost always abstract. I am fascinated by texture and color. And if I can also play with fire then I am hooked!

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

My first paid job was babysitting. After that I got a raise to be a carhop at a drive-in restaurant. Then I had a very exciting job as a cashier in a convenience store. These were all before I turned 18. After leaving home to pursue a technical education, I worked for far too many years in the logical world of computers. I grew dissatisfied with the restrictions of the business environment. I knew I needed a change but did not have a direction until I took a silversmithing class.

What are your hobbies?

I am a big introvert so reading is one of my favorite things. And now that I own my own home I enjoy raising cacti and succulents. I also love cooking and eating and experiencing other cultures. When travel is safer I am hoping to wander around some other continents.

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Kirsty Roberts – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Kirsty Roberts.  I create wire sculptures with hex mesh wire. I’m challenged by the “wire mesh” as it has a flow and takes on character of its own.  Blending the wire with wood, beads and other elements adds the details and allows me additional artistic expressions.  I am inspired the most by nature and gardening.  I enjoy my family and will continue to bring my ideas to life.

Why do you do what you do?

I have always had “side projects “going on in the back-ground of my life.  I came from a long line of artistic people who were “builders of ideas”.  I learned from them to take my visions and plans from drawings to real life.  I’ve had exposure to many other types of artistic expression, but I believe the hex mesh wires’ unique nature, and the combination of materials, keeps many ideas flowing.

What themes do you pursue?

Animals with feathers, fins and fur.  Recreating and exaggerating motion and flow.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

Hearing the chirping of the visiting wild finches, hummingbirds, blue jays and sparrows who “sing” while they drink from the waterfall that spills into the koi pond in our backyard patio.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I raised 3 children and married 40 years last month.  I worked many years for a belt designer, and also worked with credit collections, bookkeeping and retail.

What are your hobbies?

Ornamental gardening, upholstery, sewing and being a new grandma!

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