Darlene Becker – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Darlene Becker. I combine precious metal with unique and unusual gemstones to create one-of-a-kind art jewelry.

Why do you do what you do?

I have always been a maker. When I was young, I made many things, from mud pies, to snow forts, to clothes for my paper dolls. When I got older, I sewed my own clothes. It wasn’t until I took a silversmithing class that I discovered an even greater sense of fulfillment. I took many classes from basic metal working to enameling to lapidary. With each class I learned new skills and gained much inspiration. Now I use those skills to play and experiment with metal and gemstones.

What themes do you pursue?

I don’t generally engage in themes unless I am participating in a show. My work is almost always abstract. I am fascinated by texture and color. And if I can also play with fire then I am hooked!

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

My first paid job was babysitting. After that I got a raise to be a carhop at a drive-in restaurant. Then I had a very exciting job as a cashier in a convenience store. These were all before I turned 18. After leaving home to pursue a technical education, I worked for far too many years in the logical world of computers. I grew dissatisfied with the restrictions of the business environment. I knew I needed a change but did not have a direction until I took a silversmithing class.

What are your hobbies?

I am a big introvert so reading is one of my favorite things. And now that I own my own home I enjoy raising cacti and succulents. I also love cooking and eating and experiencing other cultures. When travel is safer I am hoping to wander around some other continents.

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