Kelly & Janis Quinn – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do?

We are Kelly & Janis Quinn running a business we call Other People’s Junk. The name is exactly what it implies – we have fun collecting metal objects that other people throw out and recreating them into a piece of art. You’ve heard the saying ‘one man’s junk is another man’s treasure’ – that’s us!

Why do you do what you do?

We take discarded or found metal objects and repurpose them into art. We won’t always know what we will use something for only that it’s a treasure we have to have. When building a piece of art we will excitedly remember something that will be just the right piece. Its cut, cleaned, placed, welded and with a grinder smoothed out to completion.

What themes do you pursue?

Our art is fun and whimsical. Some pieces are specifically designed as yard art, but we make a lot of things that can be placed in your home as well.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

Many years ago we went to a show in San Francisco and met a man that was a master creating metal art. We were so inspired!  Between Kelly’s interest in welding and Janis always being a crafter things came together.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

Kelly worked as a road foreman for 37 years, while Janis had a career in the banking industry.

What are your hobbies?

Camping, boating, traveling and being with our family which includes three grandchildren.

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