Therese May – Artist Spotlight

Tell us about your artwork.
My name is Therese May.  My art is Handwoven Textiles: Original wall hangings, table runners, scarves, shawls, baby blankets and dishtowels.

Describe how art is important to society.
Art inspires creativity in the artist as well as in society. It can arouse joy and move the viewer to tears, so ultimately art can touch people emotionally. It helps us expand our world view, community engagement and cultural competence.

How would you describe yourself as an artist?
I am passionate about fiber, color and merging them into something special that a customer values and enjoys. I pursue new ideas by taking classes, learning from other weavers and piling my yarn into mounds to decide on colors and patterns. I stay curious.

Has your style changed over time?
My first projects were hilarious. Too much yarn, not enough, miscalculations and projects that were discarded. After weaving for 25 years my math skills have improved, my color theory is more coherent, and my enjoyment has increased.

Describe your dream project.
My dream project is one that I love and has no mistakes!

What superpower would you have and why?
I need a superpower to help me with winding the warp and threading the loom because those are the aspects of weaving that are the most time consuming.

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