Suzanne Hambleton – Artist Spotlight

Please introduce yourself and briefly describe your art.
Hello, I’m Suzanne and my art is still life photography.

What led you to be an artist and to share your art in Auburn Old Town Gallery?
I wanted to be a photographer since the first time I developed and printed an image from film in the 1970s.

Where are you originally from?
I’m originally from Buffalo, New York. I moved to CA in 1983.

What did you want to be when you were younger?
I wanted to work for National Geographic, photographing the world.

Tell us about a compliment that you’ve received that you’re most proud of.
Many folks that visit the gallery say that my photographs look like they are paintings.

What’s one thing that has made you smile recently?
Photographing flowers in a still life arrangement makes me smile!


Read Suzanne’s previous interview here.

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