Available Art!

We’re trying something new during this interesting and challenging time: “Art to Bring Us Together Even When We’re Apart” features works from several of our artists. This is our way of bringing art to you during our temporary closure. A new array of works will be featured every two weeks until we can safely reopen. Sales are handled directly through the artists and their contact information is available on the flyer.

Click on the image below for the PDF file.

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Sandy Delehanty in the March/April 2020 issue of ART of the WEST

Sandy Delehanty, one of our very talented watercolorists, has been featured in a wonderful article in the current issue of ART of the WEST entitled, “Hitting Their Stride”. If you aren’t sure you have seen her work in the gallery just think, giraffe eating an ice cream cone…alright!?! Sandy has definitely “hit her stride”! If you can get your hands on the magazine enjoy the article. Or you could try their website, aotw.com.

Sandy has used her watercolor skills since 1997. She had her first gallery show in 2002. She taught workshops and classes locally, and watercolor travel journaling all over the world.

Currently, Sandy is very active in the American Women Artists (AWA). She sits on the board and has earned an award of excellence from AWA. Their mission is dedicated to the inspiration, celebration, and encouragement of women in the visual fine arts. Their goal is to increase the professional opportunities for women in the visual fine arts field which leads to greater inclusion for women in the fine arts community.

Twice her work has been accepted into international juried exhibitions by the American Watercolor Society.

Sandy is a signature member in the California Watercolor Association.

If you can’t tell by now…we, at Auburn Old Town Gallery, are proud to have Sandy Delehanty as a member of our gallery.

A quote from Sandy, “I want people to get a sense of joy or peace when looking at my work. I have so much fun creating it. I want people to experience some of the joy I had when I did it. I want the painting to touch them in some way, personally or emotionally.”



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Congratulations to Sandy & Ann

Great news from Sandy Delehanty & Ann Ranlett! They both had work accepted in the 2020 American Women Artists‘ Exhibition. Competition was tough: only 110 works were selected from 1503 entries from 540 artists.The Exhibition runs from May 27 – August 23, at the Booth Western Art Museum in Cartersville, GA.

“Writing on the Wall”, graffiti on a doorway in Barcelona
Watercolor, 24″ x 18″
©Sandy Delehanty, AWS, CWA, AWA
Sandy is a Signature Member of AWA

“Chromed Grace”, greyhound hood ornament
Scratchboard, 5″ x 7″
©Ann Ranlett, MSA

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Congratulations to Diane Tharp & Connie Rodriguez


Diane Tharp, watercolor painter, “Always exciting to be included in this caliber of artists!  This painting is “Keeper of the Key”  original watercolor.”(image below)

Diane is a member of Auburn Old Town Gallery. Come by the gallery and see more of her unique watercolor paintings. And check out the show at the Pence Gallery in Davis. All the information on the show is below:

Connie Rodriguez, acrylic & mixed media artist, has been selected as a winner in the AcrylicWorks 7 competition. Her work will be published, along with other selected artists,  in a special edition magazine from the editors of Artists Magazine. As one of the selected artists her artwork and commentary will be featured in the 116 page special publication coming to the newsstands in August 2020.

Below is the image entitled, “Women of the Red Thread” that will be featured this August’s special edition on your newsstands soon. Come by the gallery and see more of Connie’s artwork. She paints in both non-objective and expressionistic styles. Congratulations, Connie on being selected for this publication.




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Happy New Year, How about a Date Night in January?

Holiday parties are winding down. Now for some time to yourselves. How about a little shopping spree at Auburn Old Town Gallery. Our hours for this Winter are 10am to 6pm seven days a week. This month we are featuring the art of our newest members, as well as, adding fresh new pieces of art for the new year!

After a pleasant visit with the artist on duty, and if you feel so inclined, take a short stroll to Old Town’s newest restaurant, CRUDO for dinner (where Bootleggers use to be). You may need a reservation. I had a very pleasant and tasty dinner over the holidays there.  So if you want or need an evening out of the house try visiting Auburn Old Town Gallery and CRUDO.

Or make it a lunch date and then head over to the gallery. Either way I think they are a good pairing, Auburn Old Town Gallery and CRUDO.

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How Do They Do It? Part 2

Five more artists are ready to tell you how they do what they do. We hope you find this interesting and it gets your curiosity up. Stop by the gallery any day of the week to explore the works of our many talented artists.

By the way, as the holidays approach you should come browse the rooms of the gallery to find unique gifts for your friends and family. It’s ‘Gifts Under $50″ now at Auburn Old Town Gallery.

And read on to find out more about us…

Ann Ranlett, MSA, Scratchboard Artist

I am an artist and illustrator specializing in pet, animal and nature subjects rendered in scratchboard. I am photographer too, looking for unique perspectives of the natural world. Because I love animals and nature, and have always been fascinated by these subjects, I relish the challenge of capturing my subjects in art, whether it’s the personality of the pet or the texture of a leaf. I work with photos. I try to take the photos myself, if at all possible. Doing so helps me understand my subjects better.


Judy Butler, Fused Glass Artist

I love the vibrant colors of fused glass that lend to my whimsical designs. I purchase large sheets of colored glass. I cut the sheets to create images, layer the glass, and then place it into a kiln. In the kiln it is heated anywhere from 1375 degrees to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature determines what the texture of the glass will be. The process of heating and cooling the glass can take approximately 24 hours as the glass needs to be treated gently to avoid thermal shock. The glass can be cut and layered numerous times depending on the desired end result.

The primary theme in my work is whimsy. I especially enjoy creating animals and depicting them with animal friends. For example, a cat and a dog riding in a car. My slogan is, “Fused Glass Designed to Make You Smile”.


Dana Bilello-Barrows, Fine Ceramic Artist

I look at various mediums i.e., architecture or nature, and try to figure out how I can express that ideas, that movement, or feeling in clay. I try not to limit my expression as an artist to one medium.  I want to experience it all, but I always come back to the clay. Those experimentations often show up in the clay. I am always asking,”How can I realize that texture, emotion, movement, energy, or tactile feeling in clay.”

I create decorative fine ceramic vessels, wall installations, and totems. My work is mostly made with porcelain clays. The surfaces are finished using organic materials, and various naked raku techniques. I also create work that is very tactile and begs the viewer to touch and interact. Each vessel is unique and cannot be duplicated.


Matt Konar, Painter & Illustrator

Konar’s work is both light and dark in subject, approaching at every turn the whimsical and the mischievous.  He uses he canvas as a stage to capture moments of love and heroism, as well as times of human folly. His characters come from real life, from songs, from poems and from stories. All the stories take place under a starry sky with the drama of the constellations. Unexpected details are presented through the book on a shelf, the image of a mirror, the wallpaper pattern, an individual leaf, and many other visual gestures waiting to be unlocked by the viewer.

His technique of using glaze creates colors that are deep, rich and vibrant. There is a profound sense of mystery, nuance, symbolism and timelessness in the scenes he depicts.

Of his process Konar says, ‘I work mostly in oils and the progress of each work is slow and sometimes tedious – my oils are built with glaze upon glaze, and detail upon detail. For me technique and investment of time are always subservient to achieving the final effect in the painting. I’m driven by and find my greatest satisfaction in what I create as a final work and not the process.’


Stacy Pedri, Photographer

I like being out and about finding interesting things to capture with my camera in that moment in time or in the place I find myself. I usually travel for my work, but can also find something local or even in my yard that catches my eye. Old treasures, landscapes, animals, or other things of nature help me interpret a specific time, place, or feeling. My biggest pursuit is animals, especially in the wild. My favorite place to bring my camera is Bodie. I like peace and quiet so being out with my camera is actually helpful to me. My dream project would be to drive a motorhome taking photos along the way as we travel the highways and small roads of the US.


We hope you have enjoyed learning a little more about some of the fabulous artists of Auburn Old Town Gallery.

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How Do They Do It?

We thought it would be fun to get to know something about our artists here at AOTG. As information becomes available we will write a little about each artist in the gallery.

So here are nine artists and how they do what they do so well!

Sandy Lindblad~Painter

“When I work, I like to listen to music. I usually create several paintings at once. I like to go back and forth between paintings taking them to different stages, whether I’m working on a commission or creating a painting for a show. And during breaks from my art, I play with my animals.”

Carol Bellamy~Wire Artist

“My art consists of one line of wire bent and twisted on itself translating the original design into it’s wire counterpart. Along with the freedom to follow my own rules I can do my creating almost anywhere. All I need is a spool of wire and my needle nose pliers and a chair.”

Chris Foster~Painter/Calligrapher

“I work alone in my studio. Usually on three or four paintings at a time. One speaks to the next. I stand at a drafting table. Music playing in he background. Sometimes I dance.”

Meg Black-Smith~Jeweler

“I work out of my home in my studio, often listening to music. I have windows that look out into the trees, garden and sky. I like going into a sort of trance and just working away with no interruptions.”

Stacey Lamothe~Jeweler

“I use a multi-step metal-working process to make my art involving various tools like my trusty torch, saw and an arsenal of other gadgets that help me create on a daily basis.”

Doug Parks~Photographer

“I am lucky enough that my artwork requires that I am in nature to capture her beauty.”

Patty Pieropan-Dong~Painter/Printmaker

“Love of the process of painting. Observation and inspiration. Practice. My Mother was a wonderful artist. It has always been part of my life.”

Connie Rodriguez~Painter

“I love going out to my studio. I seem to be ready to get my brushes in paint whenever I get out there. I never bring an devices, cell phone, etc. so that when I paint I am lost in time. I love looking at art; I feel inspired to paint and I just start creating. I usually paint on 2 or 3 canvases at a time, as I need to wait until layers dry to add others. I also start with titles, and write them down when a great title comes my way. Nature is a big inspiration for me. Being in nature and with nature is a spiritual experience. I am energized by being outdoors and grateful to live in such a beautiful part of our country.”

Susan Stoll~Photographer

“I am a photographer. My work primarily features macro digital images of nature. My pursuits in photography are a means of sharing the beauty, patterns, and intricacies found in nature.”


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Upcoming Workshops by AOTG Artists

Here are two hands-on opportunities to learn how they do it:


Shannon Morgan (glass artist), website: zhibit.org/girlglass/classes

Pumpkin Palooza

Sat. Sept. 21 8:00 & 11:00 am

Sun. Sept. 22 8:00 & 11:00am

Cost $75

Check out website for complete information: zhibit.org/girlgalss/classes

Book now!

Also from Shannon:

Ornament Experience

Dates: Dec. 7, 8, 14, 15

Time: 9:00 & 11:30am

Cost; $75

Space limited. Book Now!

Go to: zhibit.org/girlglass/classes



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September 20% Off Sale Until September 22

Come in this week if you have been eyeing that piece of glass, or that certain necklace, or that piece of fabric art, or that photograph, or that painting, or that bowl, plate, wall hanging, or piec of metal art because they are all on sale! Continuing this week, Auburn Old Town Gallery has everything in the gallery on sale at 20% off. The sale runs through Sunday, the 22.

The gallery will be open for the Co-Op Night in Old Town Auburn Thursday, September 19 from 5 to 9pm. Come by, get to know some of the artists, and get that piece of art you have been wanting.


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September Newsletter – Annual Sale and More!

Click here
to read the newsletter…

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