Jenn Norpchen – Artist Spotlight

Please introduce yourself and briefly describe your art.
Jenn Norpchen, gourd creations.

What led you to be an artist and to share your art in Auburn Old Town Gallery?
I moved from the Bay Area not sure if I was headed to Washington state or stay here. My friend suggested staying here for a while. I did. I volunteered at the Discovery shop and started to dabble in gourds. The Art and Chocolate Tour in Granite Bay was open for a weekend, and I decided to go. I met LoreLee Love on the tour and realized there was an art community here and suggested I check out Auburn Old Town Gallery.

Where are you originally from?
Danville, CA

What did you want to be when you were younger?

Tell us about a compliment that you’ve received that you’re most proud of.
I’ve received a lot of compliments on my artwork and creativity. Makes me smile and want to create more.

What’s one thing that has made you smile recently?
Some very nice comments about my trip to Africa.


Read Jenn’s previous interview here.


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