Darlene Riel – Artist Spotlight

Please introduce yourself and briefly describe your art.
Hi, my name is Darlene Riel. I share my photographs in Auburn Old Town Gallery. Specifically, travel photography.

What led you to be an artist and to share your art in Auburn Old Town Gallery?
I began sharing my photographs in 2005. I met several artists from the gallery at art shows over the years. I worked very long hours during my career at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, so I didn’t have time to be a dedicated cooperative art gallery member. After my retirement, Auburn Old Town Gallery was the first gallery that applied to become a member and I was accepted in 2017.

Where are you originally from?
I’m a local native to the area: I was born in Roseville and raised in Meadow Vista.

What did you want to be when you were younger?
I had aspirations of owning a large ranch with many horses and animals. I’d refer to it as “My Dream Hacienda.” I had no idea how I would earn an income from the ranch, but the idyllic lifestyle that I would muster in my head was my fantasy.

Tell us about a compliment that you’ve received that you’re most proud of.
Customers commonly compliment my photographs printed directly on natural stone.  I’ve spent many hours reviewing thousands of my images to select those that best fit and present well on 4×4 coaster tiles and 6×6 trivet tiles.  I have introduced dozens of new images since beginning this practice.

What’s one thing that has made you smile recently?
A young boy, maybe age 10-12 years, came into the gallery to take another look at one of my photographs printed on canvas.  It had sold and was no longer in the gallery, but I happened to be working.  He told me that he had come to see the photograph several times.  He was happy to tell me it was one of his favorites and then added “especially your composition”.  This made me beam.  Thank you, young artful critic!


Read Darlene’s previous interview here.

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