Christina Salazar – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do? 

My name is Christina Salazar and I am a Jewelry Artist, designer, and creator of wearable art.

Why do you do what you do?

I enjoy creating wearable art that expresses how I feel and what I see in my life. It is like having people carry a little bit of myself around with them. I like working with metal because I enjoy the shine, textures, and the ability to manipulate it into a design with fire. I also love to wax carve many designs to create details in them and then I cast them by the lost wax method.  It’s a fascinating process, leaving a metal piece of wearable art!

What themes do you pursue?

I pursue any theme, but mostly, simple texture with a lot of value and space; nature, everyday life, history and expression. I enjoy making one of a kind pieces.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

Backpacking for over a year on my own in Europe. Seeing all the art, meeting people, experiencing life and many traditions. It could be scary, exciting, and enjoyable at the same time. You never know what you would do or what would happen in a day. It was inspiring that I was on my own.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

My first job started during High School as a bench jeweler, you know, the person who sits in the back of the jewelry store cleaning, repairing and creating all the jewelry. They called me Chris because young girls were not jewelers so they hid me in the back. After my year of travel, I went to work in retail, then onto working at a deli where I waited tables and made sandwiches. Next, I worked at the Tea Cozy selling tea. That was a cushy job. I could design jewelry daily while selling tea. I am now a state worker; I don’t think I should elaborate more about that.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are designing jewelry styles, traveling, gardening (my favorite is cactus and succulents) and trying different types of art mediums.

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