Sonja Hamilton – Artist Spotlight


Please introduce yourself.
Hi everyone – I am watercolorist, Sonja Hamilton, SWA

Tell us about your favorite art medium.
I knew at once when I tried watercolor that this was for me – it is challenging and so much fun! The best thing was that it was portable, to make painting outdoors so doable! And I have been doing this now for decades besides painting and teaching indoors.

Who/what is your biggest artistic influences?
After earning a degree in Art and a teaching credential in art ONLY, I found my mentor, Dorner Schuller, a retired commercial artist who painted just as I wanted to paint. I took his workshops as often as I could, watching and learning new teaching techniques that I knew would work for me. Subsequently, I took workshops from nationally known artists for their teaching techniques, and gleaned what would work for me.

What motivates you to create?
That is simple. I collect photos that I take with my phone and file them under “to paint”, so I have a selection of ideas that are available when I need a particular subject.

When is your favorite time of day to create?
Daytime, for sure! Usually, my days are so filled that I am ready to relax in the evening. Having said that, sometimes I want to finish a few strokes, so I work under “daylight” lighting in my studio, so my color choices ring true and are not influenced by anything dull and not in true color.  If it is a night scene or a still life illuminated by artificial light, I paint those in the daytime.

Does art help you in other areas of your life?
You know, it doesn’t matter what you do if you understand art principles and design. For example, when I plate food, it is pleasing to look at and more appetizing. When I dress, I wear clothing with color harmony. In photography, I edit to “help” the natural composition my camera takes. Art influences me in all facets of life. I “see” things differently and know my paintings are appealing for this reason.


Read Sonja’s previous interview here.


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