Don’t miss the Auburn Old Town Gallery August themed wall…”FLY AWAY”…a beautiful display of feathers, wings and things! Real and fanciful it is truly a delight to see! Peruse all the member artist work in the gallery! Don’t “fly by”! Come in and browse!

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Auburn Old Town Gallery welcomes Therese May! Her weaving incorporates beautiful colors, patterns and textures. She enjoys the challenge of designing with color, working out the technical details, the lovely feel of textiles and the meditative quality a weaving rhythm offers.

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Jane Markham – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do? 

I am Jane Markham, a 74-year-old woodworker. After my husband, Sandy, ascended in 2007, with the help of my family, I have carried on his legacy. I wanted to learn about everything in our shop & he still guides me. Our focus has been creating wooden art pieces that begin as Northern California hardwoods—Claro (Black) Walnut, English Walnut, Big-Leaf Maple—logs & burls. They have been reclaimed from aged trees. We create a variety of keepsake heirloom treasure boxes & Incense boxes and small vases.

Why do you do what you do?

I feel our domestic hardwoods are gorgeous & not endangered. Most of this reclaimed wood might be burnt or destroyed if we didn’t rescue these unique specimens.

What themes do you pursue?

We have always displayed the most special natural designs & highlight the incredible grains & patterns in the wood. I’ve been told that featuring knots, natural cracks & live-edges is what other woodworkers discard. We’re making boxes for people who love beautiful wood. They are hand-finished with a natural beeswax to penetrate so one can feel how caressable the wood is. All the work is done in my shop: we say, ‘we let the wood talk’.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

In 1991, my nephew returned from Dharamsala, India, where he had a private visit with the Dali Lama. Aaron brought us a Tibetan Incense Box. We styled ours using our walnut similar to the ones used in the Monasteries in Tibet. They use hand-made Tsho-Drong ZIMPO which we have used ever since.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I was an English teacher in high school, college, & Adult ED from 1974-1999. I was “The Tree Lady” as a facilitator for a forestry education program from 1991-2020 that became Talk About Trees. I held presentations for 1000’s of Nevada & Placer Counties’ 3rd-6th grade students.

What are your hobbies?

Who has time for hobbies—there is always something to do. I love to eat so cooking is special. Also, I love to read. My most favorite is now is watching my 2-year-old grandson, Nova, grow & change. He & my daughter, Lilia, have been with me since last August. He reminds me to “be in the present moment!”

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The artists at Old Town Gallery share their love of art and animals! You don’t want to miss the June Feature wall “For the Love of Animals”…it’s a creative, funny and joyful collection of animal artwork. And we know you will love the other work represented by all the members of the Old Town Gallery! Come and enjoy…treats optional!

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Jane Welles – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do? 

My name is Jane Welles and I paint the landscape, on the spot (plein air) and in the studio. I was an art major and my watercolor instructor would take us out to paint in the fruit orchards around San Jose and it seemed like the natural way to paint the landscape. I painted with watercolor for thirty years, then switched to pastel, and now I like to use gouache and oil paint.

Why do you do what you do?

Painting for me is a way to communicate, it allows me to express how much I love being outdoors. I agree with John Muir when he said, “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” I get a strong spiritual connection to the landscape when I am painting outdoors. There is a Navajo prayer, “Beauty Walk”, that says, in part, “With beauty all around me, may I walk”. It always makes me happy when one of my paintings makes a connection with someone and I can share my love of the landscape.

What themes do you pursue?

Because I have a love affair with the landscape that is what I mostly paint. Occasionally I will do a still life, and I did portraits of my granddaughter and my dog. I love reality and because there is so much beauty all around us, that is what I try to get down on the canvas.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

When I was in the second grade, my teacher had us write a poem and illustrate it. I wrote a poem about how a weeping willow needs a pillow, it was on one of those big pieces of paper with a big space at the top with a couple of lines at the bottom. I still have it because my mom saved it in a box with a bunch of my old school papers. Now I get inspired when I go on road trips with painting friends to beautiful places like the eastern sierras.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I had several odd jobs while I was going to school, I prepped everything for a salad bar at a steak house, was a waitress at a Mexican restaurant, worked in the college bookstore, cocktail waitress, was a change girl at Harrah’s in Reno, and did housekeeping and prepped breakfast at a B&B. After I got a degree in art and a teaching credential at San Jose, I worked in the Title I program for the Nevada City school district for thirty-one years.

What are your hobbies?

I used to sew a lot and made clothes for my kids and made slipcovers for my furniture. I also liked to garden and grow flowers. But now everything I do is all about art, like going to visit museums and art galleries, watching videos and reading books and magazines about art, and taking trips to different painting locations. I am the founder of the Nevada County Plein Air Painters and we have been meeting once a month since the nineties. I do art with my grandkids and watch their sporting events. I take my Australian shepherd for a daily bike ride and I work out three times a week.

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Chris Foster – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do? 

I am Chris K. Foster. (Gotta use the K cuz there are many Chris Fosters.) My art is abstract, comprised of mixed media on gallery wrap canvas. I paint primarily with acrylics but add texture with mediums, egg shells, sheetrock tape, string, etc. Whatever I can find to add interest.  You can look at more of my art on my website:

Why do you do what you do?

Painting brings me joy. There is always a puzzle to solve with one’s choices of subject matter, color and composition. It is fun to add some lettering and make the viewer think.

What themes do you pursue?

I use a lot of symbols: sun, moon, stars, spirals, circles, birds and so on. I work intuitively, without a lot of beforehand thought. The theme or message presents itself as I lay the color down.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

Surviving a plane crash made me brave enough to admit I have always been an artist.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

Bakery worker, Telephone Company architect and builders advisor, Trade Shows, Retail Sales Clerk, Print Shop Clerk, and International Flight Attendant for 23 years.

What are your hobbies?

I spend a lot of time on the golf course.

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Judy Butler – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do? 

I am Judy Butler, and I am a fine fused glass artist. I create whimsical fused glass images that are reminiscent of illustrations. They frequently include animals in recognizable situations. Her favorite animals tend to be dogs, cats, and chickens – probably because my life is ruled by those creatures. I’ve has been doing fused glass for approximately 20 years and loves the texture, pattern, and bright colors that can be created with this medium. I also have created pieces that are in UC Davis and Kaiser in their pediatric departments.

Why do you do what you do?

It is my goal to create whimsical fused glass images that will make people smile.

What themes do you pursue?

My most frequent theme is fun, whimsical, and friendly animals of all types. I love thinking of situations for animals to be in such as admiring a flower, riding a motorcycle with friends or flying in a hot air balloon.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

I have met several well know children’s book illustrators such as Patricia Polacco, Maurice Sendak, and Denys Cazet. I have always been spellbound by their work and approach to writing and drawing for children.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I have taught art for most of my adult life. I taught high school art for 20 years and elementary art for almost 10 years.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies include traveling, hiking, drawing, reading, painting, sculpture, printmaking and any other art form available.

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Jessi Brooks – Artist Spotlight

Who are you and what do you do? 

I’m Jessi Brooks and I create whimsical and joyful metal art for home and garden using recycled materials.

Why do you do what you do?

I love bringing my ideas to life & watching the wonderful effect it has on people.

What themes do you pursue?

Love of music, animals, nature, whimsy, bright & colorful full of life.

Describe a real life situation that inspired you.

After watching a metal artist Netflix series, I was inspired to step out of my comfort zone and create a piece that ended up having the most wonderful effect on people, especially a mother who sadly had lost her daughter. When the grieving mother saw this piece that I had displayed at an art show, she broke down in tears. She said that the piece made her feel like her daughter was right there with us and we ended up both crying & became friends. Serendipitously 15 minutes after this beautiful interaction, another mother attending the art show with her daughter saw this exact piece and ended up purchasing the piece for her daughter.  Six months passed and the grieving mother and the mother and daughter who purchased the art piece all showed up at my booth at another show.  I was able to introduce them to each other and it was remarkable to learn that they shared many things in common.  This single art piece was the catalyst of all these women coming together for an emotional bonding experience!  THIS is the magical power of art!

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I studied massage therapy, managed restaurants and owned a cleaning service.

What are your hobbies?

I love to be outdoors hiking, skiing, yoga, beach time, traveling, music festivals, playing with my pups, swimming, surfing, hanging with friends, good conversation, laughs & libations.

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The Wild West is coming to Town!
Old Town Co-op! May 19, 2022

Auburn is hosting Old Town Co-op – an evening of camaraderie, community and family fun! May 19th – 5:00pm – 9:00 pm, featuring a “Wild West” theme…Live music, living history, delicious food, kid crafts, and artisan market! And while you’re there, don’t forget to mosey on into the Auburn Old Town Gallery and see what artists have “partnered” up to present COLLABORATIONS! the theme of the May feature wall! Meet the artists and watch a few demos…Stop in and say “Howdy!”

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It’s a collaboration! The May feature wall is all partnered up!

The artists of Old Town Gallery have partnered up with other OTG members, and
non-members, and created collaborative works for the themed wall in May! COLLABORATIONS is not to be missed – works unlike any other pieces in the gallery…2D artists teamed up with metal artists, 3D with 2D…unusual and unique combinations! So partner up with a buddy and come visit the Auburn Old Town Gallery soon…explore all the amazing works on display!

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