Cathy McAllister – Artist Spotlight

Please introduce yourself.
Hello, my name is Cathy McAllister.

Tell us about your favorite art medium.
Doing up-cycle projects. I love to find old things, different items and bring them back to life.

Who/what are your biggest artistic influences?
Gosh, there are so many to choose from as I get influenced by so many different things. I probably can’t really say one in particular. I do love nature, and I love colors, and I also love movements.

What motivates you to create?
I like to create things that are whimsical because it makes people happy.

When is your favorite time of day to create?
I used to think there wasn’t really a favorite time of day. I could do it all the time anytime but lately it seems like the nighttime is a great time to create.

Does art help you in other areas of your life?
Yes, art does help me. It makes me focus. It makes me feel better about myself. It’s a great outlet.


Read Cathy’s previous interview here.


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