Textile artist Kimber Chin says, “Painting with wool is like painting with clouds – wispy and beautifully light. I can blend and mix colors and textures as I feel led, and build a fabric that is small or large, thick or so thin they are transparent.”
Kimber used to spin yarn and knit, and she finds that felting is an exciting new direction because there is little reliance on the twist of the yarn, or knowing rows and stitches. She was also an abstract painter so painting abstract wool pieces was a natural progression.
Felting inspires her as an allegory for life – she can make plans, but isn’t in complete control of the outcome. The finished piece will form they way it wants. As a creator Kimber is invited to remain unattached to outcome. She invites you to fall into the small spaces of her work, and feel the stillness and peace from accepting each moment as it is, in art and in life.
Visit Kimber’s web site
xfabrics felting